Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, September 12: Discuss ways that blogging or social media has changed you.

I am pretty happy I started blogging again. Blogging gives me the chance to say whatever I want, keep track of my life, and leave a little something for my kids. They'll have a glimpse into my brain when I'm gone, and that's neat.

Social media has been a great tool for keeping in touch with my family and friends. I'm lonely in my new town, and it's a good outlet. That being said... on really lonely days I end up wasting lots of time on Facebook. Too much time. It's lame, really. I have to stop doing that. Yeah, I'm going to start limiting my time to 30 minutes, at the end of the day. Any more than that is really unnecessary. (Lots of posts and shares are funny, inspirational, or give me an appreciated glimpse into the lives of people I care about. But lots of things make me uncomfortable - angry, annoyed, envious. All of which I hate to feel. So, yeah, better keep that in check. Sin in the house!)

The best thing about blogging is that it's helping with my inspiration. Writing and sharing inspire me. To do more. To create more. To exercise more. To eat better. To love more.

So, I'm off! To avoid Facebook, do more, create more, exercise more, eat better, and love more. :)

Peace be with you!

1 comment:

  1. I miss a whole day of checking blogs and I'm so behind! I'm glad you started blogging again too - you need to write. It is a part of you.
