Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Tuesday, September 17: A memory you would love to relive.

There are many memories which, if given the chance, I would relive. I chose just a few and decided to give this blog to you in a series of photos. 

Any family vacation we took in the Magic Bus. I'd keep a journal.
Whatever it is my bestie and I were laughing at here. I'd make a mental note, or write it on the back of this photo (once developed). It had to have been very good.

Walking down the grassy aisle.

Making big promises.

Our first dance as the Kellys.

This moment, standing behind the stage with my husband and the Flaming Lips, as they finish their Pink Floyd tribute at FPSF.

The moment of nervous excitement and anticipation just before I was checked in to give birth to any of my children.

Meeting my children... the first moment of seeing the face that grew inside my body for months. (Though reliving labor? Yeah, NOTSOMUCH!!!) - This is Linnie

Our Number1.

Any moment that allows me to see this face. (Our sweet baby boy, 3 months old)

Or this face. (Linnie, brand new born. Probably the prettiest baby ever as a newborn. Has her "Guns Up" and everything.)

This moment. When #1 was so little, and Uncle Larry introduced her to magic.

Any moment like this. (#1 and Daddy, watching horses.)

My children learning to read.

Looking through pictures made me wish that time machines were real. I'd go back in time and give my first a thousand kisses. She grew up too fast!

I put too many here, but there are many, many more. Memories with family, friends, holidays, travels. Man, how blessed are we?! Today I just thank God that I have  a history filled with memories that I would actually want to see again. What a blessing!



  1. Wonderful, adorable, pictures. Time flies so fast...

  2. I remember the magic light game! That was so precious.

  3. I love the memory game! We should relive memories at least once a week. These are such sweet pictures!
