Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Song for Husband

I decided to get vulnerable, here.
I don't claim to be an amazing vocalist. I know I'm not. (Though I regularly convince myself that Blake and Adam would turn around for me on the Voice. I sound really good in my bathroom.)

I play guitar OKAY. But I have a looong way to go, and honestly, I don't think I'm interested in going much further at this point. I can play the basic notes, and that's good for me for now. If I had some amazing person give me lessons for free, I'd take that, for sure. But right now, I have neither time nor money. So be it.

I don't intend on ever being on stage, though I'd be lying if I didn't say that owning some stage somewhere, or being THE lounge singer isn't one of my ultimate fantasies. Okay, I'm a liar. I want desperately to be on stage someday. In a band. I don't want to be lead singer. I basically want to be the girl in the Lumineers.

I just like to write music when the urge hits.
And then, that song is mine, so I like to sing it, too. 

I figured I'd better start putting them up, little by little, so that when my computer crashes and they're not backed up, my kids will have somewhere to see me when I leave them to meet my Maker. 

This is one I wrote for Geoff about a year ago.
(Video and sound quality is bad, too. I don't care to invest in fancy equipment, so it'll do, pig. It'll do. - I also mess up because I get stage fright. Even on the computer. Sue me.)

I Stand With You
Jessica Kelly


  1. I always love to hear you sing! Kudos for being brave and posting it for all to see! (PS - you look beautiful too! Did you have a hair and makeup girl come by before the video shoot?)

  2. Ha aw, thanks sister. I can't believe you said that! I kept pulling my hair into a twist because it was so nappy. :) I did put on lipstick, though...

  3. I love your passion. You go way deep. And I ditto everything else Sister says.
