Monday, September 9, 2013


Monday, September 9: Take this short personality test and respond to your results.

I've taken this test before. Several times. In college, we were discussing type personality tests, and I said, out loud, in front of everyone in class, that I'd taken the JUNG. And I pronounced it just like it's read. Jung. (For the record, it's actually pronounced "young." Talk about a blond moment. I'm used to embarrassing myself, so I just put it in with my v 12 10 and SML moments. - I'll tell you about those later.)

I've tested before as an ENFP, and today, as a INFJ. Basically, I have a borderline personality. I fluctuate from extravert to introvert. And from judging to perceiving. N and F don't change, and those are the parts of myself I understand the best. 

Some might be shocked by these results. I'm not. Actually, it makes total sense to me.


Introvert(11%)  iNtuitive(38%)  Feeling(38%)  Judging(1%)

  • You have slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (11%)
  • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)
  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%)
  • You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)

Perhaps it is my growth in age, change in position, or recent move that changed things. Out of my element in my new little town, my extraversion has given way to my introversion, by 11%.  This was the biggest change for me, as I've always tested as an extravert. I'm not surprised, however, at these results.

Instead of elaborating, I'm just going to take a few descriptions I pulled from my personality profile, which explain me very, very clearly! 

First of all, I think it is very WEIRD to be able to be grouped into a category. In fact, I'm not sure I like it at all. Makes me uncomfortable to be labeled. Even as an INFJ, which is a category that includes such greats as "Jung," Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Plato, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, oh, and "The Hoff." Acutally, being put in that category makes me feel like a bit of a loser by comparison.

Alas, here is ME, as written by some people who know the Jung. Excerpts from full text are in Italics.
1 *I'm no extravert. Crowds make me uncomfortable, but you'd never know it because I can work a room (to an extent. I'm not very good at it, but I can do it.) - Though seemingly extraverted, and rightly so in some situations, this description gave me a LOT of clarity.

"They are, in fact, sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people -- a product of the Feeling function they most readily show to the world... INFJs are true introverts, who can only be emotionally intimate and fulfilled with a chosen few from among their long-term friends, family, or obvious "soul mates."

2 *I'm incredibly talented in many facets. Including sarcasm. ;) 

I don't consider myself talented. In fact, I always operate knowing that everything I can do, someone else can do better. That being said, I can really do lots of, um, things. Art or books, act solo or in a group. Lead or follow. Give me a task. Except housecleaning.

"INFJs are distinguished by both their complexity of character and the unusual range and depth of their talents." 

3 *I don't know what I do best, but I enjoy a variety of paths, and I'm decent at some of them. This makes it hard to peg down what I want to do "when I grow up," as noted here. 

"overall, INFJs can be exceptionally difficult to pigeonhole by their career paths."

4 *And finally, this. 

"Usually self-expression comes more easily to INFJs on paper, as they tend to have strong writing skills. Since in addition they often possess a strong personal charisma, INFJs are generally well-suited to the "inspirational" professions,"

which helps explain why I am so drawn speak someday, why I often beat myself up for not becoming a high school or crisis center counselor, and why I can write for twelve hours straight.  (Yeah, I did that yesterday. Geoff helped with the kids, God bless him, and dinner was nachos. Don't judge. I'm going to give him a full page dedication if I ever get this teeny-bopper novel published.) 


Overall, I think the type is completely on-point at this time in my life. It'll probably change, and the percentages will fluctuate with age and time and life situations. But for the most part, I am completely satisfied being in the group to which Mother Teresa belongs. I'll never be her, but knowing we probably shared this type may help me try to be like her, eh? :) 

P.S>>> 5, for the interested. 

My pro-life drive is explained thoroughly in this personality type description. I'm also tugged deeply by the LRA conflict in Uganda, and have been for years. Explained here. Quite an eerily telling description of me, really.

"Strongly humanitarian in outlook, ... idealists ... generally "doers" as well as dreamers... taking a disproportionate amount of responsibility in the various causes to which so many of them seem to be drawn." 

"This empathy can serve as a classic example of the two-edged nature of certain INFJ talents, as it can be strong enough to cause discomfort or pain in negative or stressful situations. More explicit inner conflicts are also not uncommon." 

(You can't imagine how I've rued over the abortion topic. It's unhealthy, really. However, when confronted by negative situations, namely, a group of pro-choice people, I do not get uncomfortable. At the time, I'm very at peace and calm. I thrive on conversation exchange. Afterward, however, I do experience pain. Spiritual mostly, but sometimes physical.)

"INFJs hold deep convictions about the weightier matters of life. Those who are activists -- INFJs gravitate toward such a role -- are there for the cause, not for personal glory or political power."

(Who discovered that she's an activist? This girl right here. I can't do much while my babies are little, but when they're a little older... no telling.)

"INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless. The concept of 'poetic justice' is appealing to the INFJ."   (This is NOT true to my personality. I do NOT wish to get revenge, but instead I pray for conversion of heart and an increase in LOVE. I would, however, like to see the leaders of the LRA who terrorize Uganda put in their place. Just saying.)


  1. Hmm...sure does explain you. I took the brief test and came out ISFJ. Sure explains me quite a bit too. Interesting...

    1. Mom, this is so you!!! "The ISFJ has a difficult time saying "no" when asked to do something, and may become over-burdened. In such cases, the ISFJ does not usually express their difficulties to others, because they intensely dislike conflict, and because they tend to place other people's needs over their own. The ISFJ needs to learn to identify, value, and express their own needs, if they wish to avoid becoming over-worked and taken for granted.

    2. Yeah! I think I might go through and read descriptions of all the types, and see if I fit all of them, like a horoscope - somehow they're usually "SML" - you know, One Size Fits All. :) Haha!

  2. I love this stuff. it is so crazy how accurate it can be.

    Other "famous" people with my type are Mary Tyler Moore, Monica from the Friends TV show and Donald Duck. Seriously?
