Thursday, September 12, 2013

Crafty, crafty!

I have 5 minutes. GO!

Yesterday, it rained all day. And I got seriously productive.

Homecoming is tomorrow.

For the littlest man.

Had to add this one, because he posed.

For the littlest girl.

For our lil' neighbor.

For my girl.

Homecoming week theme today was Crazy Hair.

A bow on top!

She then went to our neighbor's house (she and her buddy go to school together every morning, so she walks or rides across the street), where my neighbor and friend sprayed color swirls onto the back. Fun!

You can also see my neon pink and yellow neon ribbon up on the shelf in the back. More bows to come!

Yay for crafting! (Not yay to find out that most kids don't do mums. She's wearing hers to the game, though. We do what we do. :) )

Much love!


  1. The mums are cute but the bows are RIDICULOUSLY CUTE! (But not as cute as the lil man posing with his garter!) So fun!
