Saturday, November 16, 2013

Thankfullness and Excuses

Well, it's been a busy couple weeks. Aaaand, right before things got REALLY busy, my computer crashed. 

Okay, well, it didn't really CRASH, so much as the power cord fizzled out. So, easy fix. Amazon apparently doesn't ship power cords to my town (?!?!?!), so I ordered one from my folks' house and had it shipped there so they could mail it to me. Long story short, I'm back and back to blogging. 

So, now that my explanations are out of the way, I've got some catching up to do! 

November 7 – A song that, whenever you hear it, makes you grateful for something. 
Gorillaz's Clint Eastwood. It reminds me of a time in my life when things were incredibly easy and fun! Memories of my besties, Rach and Trina, in their house on 32nd Street (where I was "the girl on the couch" - I even had drawers for my things in the bathroom), and all the friends and fun that accompanied those late teen/early 20s years.  I'm so grateful that I have such fun memories!

It also just makes me want to wear shades and dance.

November 8 – A family member. What is something that person does that makes your life better or easier?

My sister is my best friend, and she's my advice giver, my rant listener, my "go for it" giver, and the only one to whom I've sent my entire novel in progress for review. (Other than my novel partner in crime, Christy Jones! Holla!) She is the ultimate friend, and I'm so blessed that she also happens to be my sister...

November 11 – A freedom that you have that people in other parts of the world may not. Whatever it is, do it today, and give thanks to God that you can do it!

I can blog. I can say whatever I wish, whenever I wish. And I don't fear being arrested and put to death. I can write. And speak in public. And vote. And birth children, and get married, and cook, and shop, and drive. I can be anything I want to be. And that is a lot of freedom. Proud to be American!

November 12 – The person that taught you to drive.

I took care of this one on Facebook...

Today, I'm grateful to my dad and Darth for teaching me to drive. And Coach Rob. That had to be a scary job! The people and things we take for granted... what a blessing to have the freedom to drive where and when we want and need!

November 13 – Something that you see that makes you grateful for eye sight.

Sunrise. Sunset. Rainbow. Sky. Clouds. Thunderclouds. Lightening.
Everything beautiful that God made that would turn our faces UP toward him!

November 14 – A stranger. We have encounters with strangers every day, but occasionally one stands out. Who has impacted your life and will probably never know it?

There are a lot of little strangers that impact my life. I look at their pictures sometimes, when I can stomach feeling the longing that it creates in my heart. The faces of the children in the foster care system grow my heart. They grow my love. They grow my compassion. They make me want to do more, to do better, to make my life and home available for them. I'm grateful for their distant smiles. They grow my prayer life, as I pray to someday be a mother to some of them! I'd take them all if I could.

November 15 – A friend in your neighborhood or area.  (Invite that person to dinner at your house.)

My neighbor, across the street, moved in three days after we did. Their daughter is around A1's age, and they're good friends. The momma has been a Godsend to me in this town where I have made very few friends. She reminds me to take it easy, to not worry so much about things that don't matter (her phrase is "no worries." I've started using it pretty frequently.), reminds me that very few things actually matter, and has been the best neighbor I've ever had! So blessed that God put us together to face this new land together. :)

Much love! So happy to be back in the blogosphere!


  1. I had really good intentions of following along every day and I don't even have the excuse of a bad poor cord! I guess I can be thankful for busy days that leave me tired and unwilling to write.

    And love you too! (And am (im)patiently waiting for the next chapter of your novel.....)

  2. I really like your blog theme. I know I made a snarky comment on FB about the bland "I'm thankful for ____" posts, but I don't feel that way about your blog. First of all, you are going about it in a creative way. Each day has a writing prompt. I would follow along, but I am thankful for NOTHING! HAHAH! Just kidding, I'm just a lazy writer these days.
