Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer Bummer

I'm sitting on the couch, with the laptop on my, well, lap. I haven't showered in three days. My hair, long - almost to my buttox by this point, is up in a disheveled bun. No, not a cute "messy bun." A gross "I've given up" bun.

Last night I washed my face before bed, but I didn't take off my eye makeup. Too much trouble. Instead, here I sit, with a face spekled with adult pimples (SERIOUSLY?! Into my THIRTIES?!), and mascara and liquid liner forming raccoon circles around my already sleepy eyes. It's almost noon, but I haven't even put on a bra, yet. Looking awesome in Geoff's baggy (non-flattering) t-shirt and biker shorts, because there is laundry yet to do.

A3 (my beautiful, blond haired, blue-eyed toddler daughter) is running around the house, butt naked, screaming bloody murder, holding a handful of Legos, using them to punch her brother. Apparently she broke his Lego ship, and he retaliated by stealing some Legos from her homemade Lego hut. She is NOT happy. She ripped some Legos off her hut, threw them at him, then picked them up and is after him, screaming "MIIIINES! MINES!" 

She is also using her "call the exorcist" voice between screams. Picture Emily Rose saying "Myyyyy Legoooooooos." If your child has never adapted this low growl, consider yourself lucky.

A2 (my 3 year-old sweet red-headed boy) is trying to exercise control and not hit back (perhaps because, as he's learned, hitting a girl makes him go to "jail" - under the table, locked in by chairs), but screaming "NOOOO! NOOOO!" and crying.

Oh, now he's jumped over the back of the couch, grabbed a handful of unfolded clothes, and is pelting them at A3. Awesome. 

A1 (my 9 year-old sweet but sassy daughter) sits completely oblivious, playing Smurfs on the Wii. She keeps asking me to play it with her. But I can't. I just... can't. 

I've got the summer bummer blues.

The couch is littered with two loads of laundry (which are making their way onto the floor, you know, sibling wars).

My kids had oatmeal and Cool Ranch Doritos for breakfast. 

There is no movie planned this week, no swimming trip, no zoo. In fact, I don't think I even want to venture to the grocery store. 

Nope, we're done. We're stir-crazy, but I'm not crazy enough to try to go anywhere.

It is the last week of summer.Oh, bitter, bittersweet end to summer!

I'm so glad we're finishing it with a bang. 
Go mom! THIS will be a memory for their scrapbooks. 



  1. Annie starting school will jump start activity. You'll get through it. I'm sure blogging about the above is more fun than actually LIVING it...but you'll be okay. Love you, Mom

    1. Yes, it surely will, Mom! You know, we take the good with the bad. Fortunately, the good far outweighs! :) Love you!

  2. The Lord only gives you what you can handle, right? I'm pretty sure that is exactly why I have an only child. :) HUGS! Hang in there!

    1. Oh, I'm hanging. By matted hair, but I'm hanging. ;) Haha! He's good. God is good. (Which is why summer happens. And then, why it ends.)

  3. I'm pretty sure this is why TV was invented. Pop in their favorite movie, tell them they can eat as many Doritos as they want, give Annie your phone in case of an emergency, set the timer for 20-30 minutes and tell them that you are NOT TO BE DISTURBED until the timer rings. Then go take a bath, wash your hair, shave your legs and let a couple tears swirl down the drain if necessary. Then go snuggle with them for the rest of the movie. The laundry can wait.

    1. Great pointers! I should have read this first. Instead, I yelled and threw clothes. But it's all good. The laundry is put away now. :) And I did get in a shower, too!
