Friday, August 16, 2013

Get to know me in a list of bullet points. 

(Not because I think I'm fascinating. I'm quite normal, actually - though that is probably debatable. It just seems that many blogs have these "here's a bit about me" sections, so I thought I'd try to fit in.)

  • I really, really like God. I try to talk to Him every day, but I lack communication skills in that manner. I'm trying. I give all glory to Him, and any success my life brings is brought by my Maker, who is too legit to quit on me.
  • Jesus, too. He's my homie. He turned me from someone lame into someone of whom I've grown quite fond.
  • I am naturally blond, but I sometimes put a $3 box 'o' blonder on my hair to turn it from dishwater mucky into more of a color that doesn't resemble dried hay.
  • I cook every meal. Though by "cook" that sometimes means a can of refried beans in a tortilla. 
  • I'm a grammar junkie. If you catch me using incorrect grammar, correct me. I do not like making a fool of myself in this manner. This includes punctuation (aside from my excessive use of commas and periods - artistic rights) and spelling.
  • I coin words. Often. I also use lots of periods to break up thoughts and sentences. 
  • I'm scatterbrained.
  • I love coffee, so much that I am going to start using 3/4 decaf, and 1/4 caffeinated, so I can drink several cups without jicking out.
  • I have New Jersey blood, so I'm loud. Very loud. I try to be quiet. I really do. But it doesn't work. I am trying to learn to embrace this part of me. 
  • I play the guitar, the djembe, and the ukulele. I play none of them well. Well, except the djembe, my first love.
  • I am in the midst of writing my first novel. I never, in one million years, thought I'd be writing a college sci-fi supernatural romance. Never. But I am. I have almost 40,000 words so far. Some of them are good. Some, notsomuch. 
  • When I'm on a roll, I can be hilarious. Well, I laugh, anyway. And if I think I'm funny, that's all that really matters. Delusion is fun. 
  • I like walking around in my backyard in daisy dukes and my swimming tankini, probably much to the chagrin of my neighbors (if they're bold enough to glance over my cinder block fence. 
  • I'm a bit overweight. (See chagrin of my neighbors in previous bullet.)
  • I love Zumba, but don't have a class I visit at the moment. It's been months and months, really. But I do love it. (See previous bullet about being overweight.)
  • I love to eat good food. And I live in Texas, where good food and pot luck dinners are plenty. 
  • My younger daughter - age 22 months presently - growls at me to get my attention. She is crazy and beautiful, with blonde hair and blue eyes and a mean left hook.
  • My oldest daughter (9) is brunette and seriously pretty, and she likes to make ugly, I mean ugly, faces at me. She also loves to cook, and is presently in the kitchen making mac n cheese by herself.
  • My three year-old red-headed son is probably a genius, which causes me to beat myself up because I haven't taught him all the states, capitals, and presidents, yet. 
  • I love crafts, and am crafty, but don't ever do them. When I DO do them, they generally turn out crappy because I'm always in a hurry to finish. 
  • I'm a songwriter. Some are good. Some are terrible - but I play and sing them anyway, because they're mine. 
  • When I'm tired of talking about something, I just stop. 


  1. I love that you're writing a novel!

    You're so much more interesting than I am. I will take full credit - if I hadn't have set the bar so high, you wouldn't have felt the need to surpass it in every possible way. xoxo

  2. Bee, Dad called me this morning about the novel. He's quite interested in a few things, and gave me some great pointers. I can't wait to get started on it again!

    I am NOT more interesting than you! You're the one who sparked early creativity, by designing the new trend of pennies and copper puff paint to make an awesome outfit, to teaching me the entire bubble letter alphabet when I was 9. Yes, I give you full credit for a high bar, and for fostering my creative gene! :) Love ya!

  3. After reading this list, I'm CONVINCED that we need to have cocktails together. The next time you're in town visiting your sister, I'm gonna invite myself over. I'm crass like that. ;)
